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For over 165 years, Brunet has looked after Quebecers’ healthcare needs through its network of affiliated pharmacies. Brunet was seeking to reaffirm its positioning in the healthcare sector by refocusing on what its brand truly is: a brand renowned for offering the best “healthcare” service in its category and for its closeness to clients and patients.   Tell me more

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Brunet came to us to revamp its entire graphics platform and the brand’s visual identity. We also had to come up with an advertising campaign to reconnect with the customer base, one that would create an emotional link between the brand and its clientele. The goal was to raise the brand’s awareness and to highlight all of the services that pharmacists are now able to offer via Bill 41.


We had to shine the spotlight on pharmacist-owners associated with Brunet, while at the same time making all of the details of Bill 41 more digestible, intelligible, and aesthetic—an approach that, until now, the competition had not yet exploited, given the complexity of approaching it from a deontological perspective.

We created a streamlined visual environment in which the brand identity is given its rightful place through the use of various shades of blue and a simplified decor. Our first major recommendation was to work with real pharmacists and to create the following communication structure: “Your first stop is David, pharmacist-owner” (an adaptation of the former slogan “First stop, Brunet”).

We wanted to convey genuine humanity that would bear witness to Brunet’s true benevolence in its approach to health. No actors, no models. To give the brand a more human face, we recommended the use of a new, softer, more empathetic voice—that of Anne-Elisabeth Bossé—along with new original music and a new jingle.

“The revitalization of the brand and the new advertising campaign prompted several positive reactions internally, as well as arousing a strong feeling of pride. A breath of fresh air that has done a world of good for our brand equity.”

– Véronique Simard, Marketing Director.

« Le travail de revitalisation de marque et la nouvelle campagne publicitaire ont suscité de nombreuses réactions positives à l’interne ainsi qu’un profond sentiment de fierté. Un vent de fraîcheur qui fait le plus grand bien à notre équité de marque. »

– Véronique Simard, Directrice Marketing.


VP, Client Partner Ève-Marie Boutet
Client Partner Barbara Caselli
Creative Direction Élyse Noël de Tilly
Copywriting Guillaume Denault
Artistic Direction Laetitia Combebias
Production Marc Desjardins
Alexandra Quesnel
Director François Jarros
Original Music Cult Nation
Marketing Manager Audrey Perron-McEniry
Marketing Advisor Julien Beauregard
Marketing Advisor Philippe Amiot

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