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Bausch Health a entrepris de remodeler l'industrie pharmaceutique avec Dermatology.com à une époque où la télémédecine devenait la nouvelle norme. L'ambition était de donner aux patients l'accès à des soins de qualité sur ordonnance et de leur permettre de demander le traitement souhaité par le biais d'une consultation en ligne. Lorsqu'il s'agit de soins de la peau sur ordonnance, la démocratie dans le "choix de la marque" existe rarement, et nous voulions perturber la dynamique de pouvoir existante.  

Bringing accessibility to a notoriously “hidden” category.

Bausch Health is one of the largest prescription dermatology businesses dedicated to helping patients in the treatment of skin. In 2020, they set out to remodel the industry with dermatology.com at a time where telemedicine was shaping up the new normal. The ambition was to give patients access to quality prescription skincare and empower them to request a desired treatment via online consultation. And by doing so, we created value for Dermatologists by giving them a platform that fosters visibility and community.

It’s no secret that when it comes to skincare the RX selection is not accessible to the average consumer; democracy in “brand choice” rarely exists. So we positioned this new platform to democratize the power dynamic that currently exists, helping consumers feel more involved in their skin treatment and unlocking a whole new level of products.

With a revolution of the scale, challenges were inevitable. The main one we faced was around conditioning consumers to a new “shopping” behaviour that is unconventional in a typical e-commerce environment. Dermatology.com behaved like a “marketplace”, but visitors couldn’t simply purchase, instead they needed to request and the final product recommendation was determined after the consumer is guided into a virtual consultation hosted by an unbiased third-party per FDA requirements.

This “digital arm’s length” created an unusual interruption in the user experience (imagine a store from which, in order to check out, you need to go to another store and get permission first).

To offset that, we focused on creating a branding pull unexpected from the typical codes of the category.

For the launch, we zeroed in on 35+ affluent women, as they were already willing to invest into premium skin treatments and were actively seeking “better solutions”. Where most of DTC competition tries to downplay the RX offering through the lens of lifestyle familiarity and colorful accessibility, we overtly demonstrated our futuristic tone, anchoring it in science and innovation.

Our media strategy focused on creating awareness and fostering trust. We created more perceived value with educational content linking common skin problems like adult acne to a variety of branded solutions and how they differ from their generic counterparts. We placed educational editorials in prime publications such as Harper Bazaar to generate chatter and spread the word.

For now, all efforts on Dermatology.com have come to a halt. After receiving resistant feedback from Dermatologists who felt that their authority could be threatened with such democratized intentions, Bausch Health made the decision to pull the plug in respect for the medical community. Although it was a true disruption for the category, the platform did not intend to overstep but to empower patients and dermatologists alike, and potentially be a flagship for the profession itself.

As a challenger agency ourselves, we believe that no real disruption or evolution can happen without taking some risks ! And that’s the type of work that we’ll always rally for.

On nous a donc confié la conception de l’aspect front-end de la plateforme (développement de l’image de marque, EU/IU, contenu) ainsi que la gestion d’une campagne de lancement nationale à l’intention des consommateurs et des professionnels de la santé (publicité, stratégie de déploiement médiatique pour les É.-U.).

hez TUX, nous adorons les défis. En tant qu'agence, nous cherchons toujours à créer des ruptures là où c'est nécessaire. Travailler sur Derm.com était tout à fait dans nos cordes. Nous avons créé un "commerce en ligne" accessible à une catégorie traditionnellement "cachée". C'était l'une des idées les plus audacieuses sur lesquelles nous avons eu à travailler !

- Pierre-André, EVP


Directrice de compte Alexandra Abboud
Partenariat client.e Marie-Laurence Choinière
Stratégie Pierre-André Vigneault
Direction de création Ludwig Ciupka
Productrice executive Caroline Grutman
Direction artistique Lian Benoit
Production 3D Jean Michel Simard
Hugo Boesch
Supervision post-production Maxime Roz
Design et mouvement Lochlan Doyle
Design graphique Samuel Larocque,
Lian Benoit
Infographie Jean-Michel Lavoie,
Mateusz Markiewicz,
Rafik Andraos
Conception-rédaction Terry Paquet,
Sharon Forrest,
Andrew Morgan,
Anjela Freyja
Production photo Joëlle Binet
Coordination Olivia Lagacé
Photographie William Arcand (L’Éloi)
Maquillage Andrew Ly assisted by Alper Sisters (Teamm)
Maïna Millitza
Stylisme Fredérique Gauthier (Folio)
Olivia Leblanc (Folio)
Production exécutive Frédérick Quintal
Direction de production Jonathan Giroux
Chef de secteur Guillaume Bessette
Réalisation Martin C. Pariseau (Cinélande)
1er assistant réalisation Fabrice Barriliet
Direction photo André Turpin
Décor et accessoire Jean-François Campeau
Montage Travis Komarnisky
Colorisation Charles-Étienne Pascal (SHED)
Musique et sons Cult Nation
Directrice Marketing Tanya Bowstead
Directeur Marketing Adam Gladieux

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